Monday, November 28, 2005

The Most Important Thing In Your Life

Some of you people only go to church once a year: "Oh, my. It's Easter morning." You put on your most charming garments, your beautiful hat, and you go down to church, and you set twenty minutes. And then you come back, and you say, "That settles it..."

Does Jesus accept it? Amen. Yes, He accepts it. Any place you'll give Him, He will accept it. He'll never rebuke you...

We have other things too that we think more important. My brother, my sister, the most important thing in your life is to entertain Jesus Christ. You believe that? Amen.

Entertaining Christ should come first!
I believe that the most important thing in any life is to entertain Jesus Christ properly, in first place in your worship, first place in your life, first place in everything. Jesus Christ deserves that place. Amen. I believe it with all my heart.

...although He will take any place
But if you don't, He'll take second place. He'll go down in the basement with you. If you're ashamed of Him when you're out among the people, and then you go down in the basement so nobody will see you, He'll still come. That ought to make you love Him above everything in the world. Jesus in second place... Jesus in fourth place... Jesus in tenth place... But still He comes; you invited Him.

WMB (The Unwelcomed Christ, 1955)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Were it not for the cross-and His undying love. Thank God for His grace; His patience with us.

4:39 AM  

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