Devils Tremble When YOU Pray!

Prayer is a sincere thing. Prayer is talking to God. Prayer is not get down, shut your eyes, and thinking about your washing or your work you're doing, say, "Lord, help me and John, and heal Miss Jones and so forth." That's not prayer. That's repeating some words.
But prayer is to come into an atmosphere where you realize that you're in the Presence of God and you're moving to then in the deepest of sincerity. First you say a little worship, "O Jehovah, how I love You." You see it? Then after the worship of prayer, then you come with a sincere heart asking.
- William M. Branham
Excellent blog! Sorry that your post at didn't get posted immediately, all posts are queued for moderation - so it generally takes a few hours for the post to go through.
This is one of my favorites brother!! Realizing we are in the presence of God. umph!! Awesome.
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