Sunday, October 05, 2008

A Resenting Audience

If you got a resenting audience, the Holy Spirit won't even reveal. You got to have something, that working together.

They were in one place and in one accord, then there came a sound from heaven like a... See, see?

But when you got... No matter how much I'd pray, and lay day and night studying and praying before the Lord, walk down here, maybe the anointing on me, walk up here and feel that resentment (See?), He--He just...

It just grieves Him right away; He won't reveal nothing.

But when you walk down here under the anointing and feel your audience under the anointing, that's when the Holy Spirit begins to work then, He begins to move and do great things for us. See?

William Branham (The 10 Virgins and the 144,000 Jews - 1960, December) 

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Blogger Roni said...

God bless you! Discovered your site today.. Keep up the good work

7:42 AM  
Blogger admin said...

Thanks Roni :)

11:56 PM  

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