Are You Really Prepared?

Since Israel, the fig tree, became a nation in 1946 and started to bloom, God has done mighty things! He sent us a prophet with a Message of preparation for the Rapture, and at the same time sent judgement to those who rejected this Message.
The Message is the Coming of the Lord, and how the Bride must prepare herself. She must be filled with the Holy Ghost and get faith for the great Rapture that according to 1.Thessalonians 4:16 will translate her into Glory, leaving the world in a tribulation period where the Antichrist will persecute and kill the remnant, who refuse to take the Mark of the Beast, which means bowing down to the established religious system.
Brother Branham called this age "the beginning of sorrows". It has been a gradual change, where the world opinion has moved farther and farther away from the Word of God, which NEVER changes. It was bad enough in '65, but what about today? I can mention events like September 11th, the great tsunami that killed over 300,000 people... they are the beginning of sorrows, the beginning of the End. Even in the recent weeks two great hurricanes have striked southern USA, causing both social and economical problems that will affect, and does affect the whole world.
The world has surely become a different place to live in. In a believer's eyes there is no doubt the End Time IS here, and the wise virgins are making themselves ready, with oil (the Holy Ghost) on their lamps.
I want to be in THAT number, I want to be a wise virgin that day, with Holy Ghost oil in my lamp. A virgin is a sanctified believer, who is living in purity. Even the foolish virgins were holy people, but they'll go through the tribulation. What about you? Are you ready to go? Read the following quote from a sermon by William Branham and see if your life matches God's standard:
"That is husband and wife, which is type of Christ and His Church. And when you go to your church, you may have the best pews in the city; you may have the highest steeple there is in the city; you may have the best pipe organ; you may dress the best; you may sing like a mockingbird;
but all of that, if you're kissing and flirting with the world, that kiss on the cheeks of Christ is a Judatarian kiss. He doesn't want nothing to do with you. He looks upon your wedding engagement ring, and He finds the tablet moved; He finds love has gone; it's a form. He finds loyalty is gone. You've committed fornications with the world.You go to dances, and boogie-woogie parties, and watch old dirty television programs. You are committing adultery with Christ, on Him, as calling Him your Husband. The Bible said, "You say, 'I am rich, I have need of nothing.'" But He said, "You don't know that you are naked, miserable, blind, poor, and don't know it." It's time we lit a candle and swept the house. The coming of the Lord is at hand."
(Second Coming of The Lord, 1957)
What a wonderful blog..
May God bless you abundantly and use you mightily for His glory!
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